25 Incredible Statistics on Employee Recognition
25 Incredible Statistics on Employee Recognition Curious just how important employee recognition is? This is for you.
DownloadEmployees who feel noticed, recognized and appreciated for their work are proven to drive better results. In this brilliant infographic, we provide 25 mind-blowing stats on employee recognition programs that are sure to get you thinking.
- “The number-one reason most Americans leave their jobs is that they don’t feel appreciated. In fact, 65% of people surveyed said they got no recognition for good work last year.”
- “Organizations with recognition programs which are highly effective at enabling employee engagement had 31% lower voluntary turnover than organizations with ineffective recognition programs.”
- 41% of companies that use peer- to-peer recognition have seen marked positive increases in customer satisfaction.
- Peer-to-peer is 35.7% more likely to have a positive impact on financial results than manager-only recognition.
To read the rest of these amazing statistics, download our free infographic!
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