

Mix up your standard competitions with our newest integration with Strava.

SalesScreen + Strava

All work and no play makes your sales teams fatigued and bored. Our integration with Strava excites your teams to compete again with competitions around physical activity!

It's easy to fall into the habit of running the same competitions over and over, but creating competitions based on physical activity is a fun way to break up the monotony of standard competitions while also promoting a healthy work/life balance, and fostering a fun and positive culture.


  • Break up the monotony of the same old competitions with physical activity based competitions
  • Foster a culture of camaraderie
  • Leverage Strava for competitions for charity

Integration Set Up

Setting up the Strava integration is simple and easy, and only requires a few steps that you can do yourself once in SalesScreen - no technical skill required! Learn how to set up your Strava integration here!