Here’s the opener. Our people are our biggest asset

And at SalesScreen, we don’t just say it. We live it and breathe it. Really, we do. Because if we weren’t truly motivated by our people, we wouldn’t be so successful at motivating yours. Just ask our founder and CEO, Sindre Haaland, what his favorite ice breaker is for new employees and he’ll tell you it’s hugs. Group hugs.

Hero Image

Curious who we are?

A global gamification platform that keeps modern teams motivated, rewarded and engaged, we’re on a mission to help our clients create the sales atmosphere of their dreams. We know motivation is everything in the sales world. That’s why our solutions combine peer-to-peer competitions with data visualization so CRO’s and managers can keep their teams living and breathing their sales ambition while driving stronger revenue and better delivery of KPIs.


What we believe in



We believe it’s not about how much you know, but how much you’re willing to learn. This nothing-can-stop-you-spirit is at our core and motivates us to create the right products that motivate you.

Girl holding phone


Taking on the titans of our industry demands great courage. Being brave alone is difficult, yet when we’re brave together, we grow, take risks and conquer one of the most competitive markets in the world.

Man holding a glass


Long days, hard work, unwavering perseverance. It was at our core when we started the company as students. And it’s our backbone today. What’s changed? Now instead of 3 dedicated teammates, we have over 60.

Man with Zebra hat


We really feel that great things happen at work when work really makes you feel great. That’s why we strive to create an environment that’s as fun as it is challenging and as silly as it is serious (with just the right amount of sibling rivalry.)

Our SaaSy beginnings.

At the audacious age of 13, Sindre was coding assembly language and hacking school systems and his parents’ screens. By 16, he put a bunch of computers in a room with high-speed internet and server applications, and rented them out by the minute. Where there was no opportunity, Sindre created it. So it’s no wonder he turned a college weekend project into his first SaaS product, a corporate messaging tool that laid the groundwork for what quickly became the most comprehensive and effective gamification platform in the game.


From Hei to Tjena! to Ni hao to ‘Sup?

Before we became SalesScreen, we were a consultancy business named Dogu. Only a 3rd-year student at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Sindre wanted to start a company with the smartest people in his class before the big firms snatched them up. The rest, as they say, is history.


Our offices around the world where our people call home.



Nedre Slottsgate 3B, 0157 Oslo, Norway

New YorkNew York

New York

169 Madison Ave STE 11678, New York, NY 10016, United States

Sagrada FamíliaSagrada Família


Carrer Tànger 86 Barcelona, B 08018

Meet our (truly global) leadership.

Between them, they speak 14 languages and have stepped foot on 93 different countries, combined.

Sindre HaalandSindre Haaland

Sindre Haaland


Øystein HeimarkØystein Heimark

Øystein Heimark


Marius EkerholtMarius Ekerholt

Marius Ekerholt


Olga KaranikosOlga Karanikos

Olga Karanikos


Emilie AnderssenEmilie Anderssen

Emilie Anderssen

VP Operations

Lewis WorlidgeLewis Worlidge

Lewis Worlidge

VP Sales

Meet our multicultural, interurban, coffee-loving team.

Fluent in 17 languages and logging into work from 29 cities around the world, they’ve run 22 marathons combined, for a total of 575 miles.

Adi GrozdanicAdi Grozdanic

Adi Grozdanic

Alice HolmAlice Holm

Alice Holm

Alicia SkutleAlicia Skutle

Alicia Skutle

Bjørn MolvigBjørn Molvig

Bjørn Molvig

Britt MoseleyBritt Moseley

Britt Moseley

Cailin KlessCailin Kless

Cailin Kless

Caroline IngrudCaroline Ingrud

Caroline Ingrud

Dat-Danny PhamDat-Danny Pham

Dat-Danny Pham

Eirik AnderssenEirik Anderssen

Eirik Anderssen

Eirik LangsetherEirik Langsether

Eirik Langsether

Emil HelleEmil Helle

Emil Helle

Emil LindblomEmil Lindblom

Emil Lindblom

 Felicia Stuhlhofer Felicia Stuhlhofer

Felicia Stuhlhofer

Hallvard JoreHallvard Jore

Hallvard Jore

Hanne HersethHanne Herseth

Hanne Herseth

Harry HindessHarry Hindess

Harry Hindess

Indrit KelloIndrit Kello

Indrit Kello

Jenn BosquesJenn Bosques

Jenn Bosques

Johannes MarkengJohannes Markeng

Johannes Markeng

Jonathan LindkvistJonathan Lindkvist

Jonathan Lindkvist

Julian PettersenJulian Pettersen

Julian Pettersen

Kristoffer ØsethKristoffer Øseth

Kristoffer Øseth

Lars HøysæterLars Høysæter

Lars Høysæter

Madiha BenzakourMadiha Benzakour

Madiha Benzakour

Marie ConzaMarie Conza

Marie Conza

Ole Jacob ChristoffersenOle Jacob Christoffersen

Ole Jacob Christoffersen

Philip KerrPhilip Kerr

Philip Kerr

Sabih AhmedSabih Ahmed

Sabih Ahmed

Simon HordvikSimon Hordvik

Simon Hordvik

Sondre FollesøSondre Follesø

Sondre Follesø

Thomas TestardThomas Testard

Thomas Testard

Ulrik BalstadUlrik Balstad

Ulrik Balstad

Vidar HaalandVidar Haaland

Vidar Haaland

Viktor FrontViktor Front

Viktor Front

Christine HansenChristine Hansen

Christine Hansen

Mads BakkeMads Bakke

Mads Bakke

Olivia GwynnOlivia Gwynn

Olivia Gwynn

Hibaq OmarHibaq Omar

Hibaq Omar

Ellen YoungEllen Young

Ellen Young